In this unprecedented and uncertain time, here are three simple questions to ask yourself that may help in managing anxiety or fear. Over the years, I have learned to ask myself these questions when dealing with challenging times, whether major crises, worrying moments or sleepless nights caused by being overwhelmed.
Author Archives: Jane Baxter Lynn
Online meeting success in a time of change
At a time of social distancing, following our simple guidelines for online meeting success could help make online interactions efficient and effective, keeping everyone engaged.
Strategic Leadership Essentials = mission accomplishment
Integrating the three Strategic Leadership Essentials – leadership, strategy and communication – can enable an organization to accomplish its mission. Obvious as this may seem, it requires intentional work by its leaders to achieve this combination.
Board Engagement, Not Rocket Science
An effective and engaged nonprofit Board of Directors (BOD) can help take an organization to a visionary level. Ensuring it is well-managed and intentionally structured is key.
Which comes first – Vision or Mission?
Which comes first – Vision or Mission? Frankly, why should I care? In our view, vision (clearly defined strategic direction) should always come before mission, because if you don’t know where you are going (desired impact) how do you know what you need to do to get there (mission)?
Interning is a two-way street
Interning is a two-way street. So says Jane Baxter Lynn of JBL Strategies who has worked with more than 60 interns in a variety of capacities over many years. She recognized that the keys to successful internship programs are effective organization and clear communication. Read how to make interning a win-win for everyone.