Board Leadership Essentials

Board Leadership Essentials™

Building and maintaining an engaged, energized & effective Board

Clarity of roles & responsibilities

Communication & collaboration

Effective & engaging processes

"JBL Strategies' advice and assistance has helped us transform our organization into a more sustainable and
impactful nonprofit with a board focused on governance, oversight and development."
- Mary Sue Butler Clyne, Drive A Senior Central Texas, Board Chair

To address the growing demand for guidance and training in the area of nonprofit Board leadership, leadership professionals Jane Baxter Lynn and Craig Snook of JBL Strategies created Board Leadership Essentials (BLE), an in-organization, customized board development process and training that works with nonprofits to build and maintain an engaged, energized and effective board (3E Board©).

BLE is based on the fundamentals of Board Leadership and JBL Strategies’ unique model Strategic Leadership Essentials that works with nonprofit leaders to integrate leadership, strategy and communication practices to achieve long-term sustainability of their organizations.

Feedback from our clients and networks has shown that some of the greatest challenges nonprofit organizations face is the lack of an engaged and intentionally structured Board and/or ineffective relationships between the Board and executive staff. A dysfunctional nonprofit Board can be both disruptive and time consuming for everyone involved. Whereas, a strong, functioning Board can significantly grow an organization’s capacity and help take it to the next level.

How can we help?

Our customized approach gives the Board a sense of ownership and encourages collaboration between the Board and executive staff. Our focus is on continuity and addresses the root cause of a Board’s challenges, rather than implementing quick fixes that don’t take into account the long-term and the constant turnover of volunteer Board members.

How does it work?

Jane and/or Craig work with the Board and executive staff, if there is someone, to develop the content for a customized Board development process. This typically includes some or all of the following components:

  1. Planning session with chair and/or appropriate board representative and executive director/CEO, , to determine situation and needs.
  2. A proposed plan of action customized to meet the identified needs.
  3. Review of current Board processes and operations.
  4. Assessment of relevant documents such as strategic plan, fundraising plan, metrics etc.
  5. Creation, distribution and evaluation of a confidential Board survey.
  6. Preparation and facilitation of Board training session/s, including meeting(s) with leadership; customized content and materials, and post-training follow up with next steps (can be held at board meetings, retreats or other pre-arranged times). Topics include: Board roles, responsibilities, best practices and possible processes to follow.
  7. Practical tools, templates and checklists, along with assistance developing good meeting management protocols, organization policies and procedures, and other governance-related actions.
  8. Direct coaching of Board leadership and executive staff as-needed.
  9. Availability to advise Board and executive staff on an ad-hoc basis moving forward.

What will our services do for your organization?

  • Provide clarity for Board members on their roles & responsibilities and how their contributions impact the organization’s mission.
  • Engage Board members to become more energized, focused and accountable to the organization.
  • Reduce unproductive meetings and planning sessions.
  • Build greater rapport and teamwork between Board members and executive staff.
  • Ensure consistent Board leadership through intentional succession planning.
  • Assist leadership to implement sustainable and consistent processes.
  • Clarify or reinforce the organization’s strategic direction, positioning and messaging.
  • Align the Board with key organizational priorities and outcomes.

What's next?

For a free 30-minute zoom or phone consultation contact: sign up at or contact Jane Baxter Lynn at or 512-529-7685.


Jane Baxter Lynn

Jane Baxter Lynn

Craig Snook

Craig Snook

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