Strategic thinking is even more crucial in these uncertain times. There are some immediate questions for an organization’s board and executive staff to be asking now, the most important of which in my view is “So What?” If you can’t answer “so what?”, leaders need to go back to the drawing board.
Tag Archives: vision
Beyond Belt-Tightening Part 1, From Inertia to Action
Nonprofits seeking ways to overcome the financial impact of Covid-19 need to look beyond belt-tightening and begging for money to the money they already have. So says Sean Hale, Austin-based finance and operations consultant for nonprofits. In his 3-part series, Sean will share with us three habits that nonprofits can use to address financial challenges now.
Board Engagement, Not Rocket Science
An effective and engaged nonprofit Board of Directors (BOD) can help take an organization to a visionary level. Ensuring it is well-managed and intentionally structured is key.
Getting Your Nonprofit Board On-Board
Getting Your Nonprofit Board on-board is key to an organization’s success. Is your board onboard the boat or are they riding the bus? This is a constant issue raised by nonprofit board leaders, CEOs and EDs. What’s the solution?
What’s your ‘moonshot’?
What’s your organization’s ‘moonshot’? Envisioning a bold future and then mentally ‘walking back’ from the future, imagining what would be required to reach that visionary goal, can literally change the world or your organization’s path forward.
Which comes first – Vision or Mission?
Which comes first – Vision or Mission? Frankly, why should I care? In our view, vision (clearly defined strategic direction) should always come before mission, because if you don’t know where you are going (desired impact) how do you know what you need to do to get there (mission)?