Cash reserves key for nonprofit survival

Cash reserves are key for nonprofit survival. They are essential for assessing and ensuring the long-term sustainability of a nonprofit. The Board is responsible for agreeing a reserve amount and including it in the financial policies. Tracking where the organization is in relation to the funds can literally mean the difference between catching financial crisis […]

Beyond Belt Tightening Part 2, Return to Mission & Values

Mission and values, when applied properly, become key ingredients for nonprofits’ attaining financial success, whether in an emergency like Covid-19 or not. Austin-based finance and operations consultant for nonprofits Sean Hale presents the second in his 3-part series on the habits that nonprofits can use to address financial challenges now.

Beyond Belt-Tightening Part 1, From Inertia to Action

Nonprofits seeking ways to overcome the financial impact of Covid-19 need to look beyond belt-tightening and begging for money to the money they already have. So says Sean Hale, Austin-based finance and operations consultant for nonprofits. In his 3-part series, Sean will share with us three habits that nonprofits can use to address financial challenges now.