Former board members are hidden assets in plain sight! They typically have a wealth of knowledge, experience and a passion for your mission and can be powerful contributors in strengthening your organization for years to come. Capitalize on their value by intentionally keeping them involved in whichever way works for them and your organization.
Author Archives: Craig Snook
Clarity, Courage and Calm under Chaos – crucial leadership traits now
As the world faces so much uncertainty and many difficult decisions are having to be made as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, now more than ever people are looking to their leaders for direction. What traits are leaders like those in our nonprofit community needing to draw on at this critical time?
Opportunities Across Boundaries
Silos and road blocks are common themes in nonprofit organizations. What may appear to be internal or external boundaries or limitations can often be potential opportunities for greater collaboration. Stepping back and intentionally identifying the synergies across departments within your organization and/or between your organization and its partners can produce significant, positive results.
Getting Your Nonprofit Board On-Board
Getting Your Nonprofit Board on-board is key to an organization’s success. Is your board onboard the boat or are they riding the bus? This is a constant issue raised by nonprofit board leaders, CEOs and EDs. What’s the solution?
What’s your ‘moonshot’?
What’s your organization’s ‘moonshot’? Envisioning a bold future and then mentally ‘walking back’ from the future, imagining what would be required to reach that visionary goal, can literally change the world or your organization’s path forward.
What an amazing board meeting!
What an amazing board meeting! These are the words one of our board members shared as they were leaving a recent board meeting. Does this sound familiar? Is this how your board members feel? I hope so, but if not, keep reading…