Gaining the Courage to Lead

Do you have the courage to lead or does self-imposed fear restrict your willingness to take on a leadership role? One of my leadership heroes, Nelson Mandela said: “Fear and courage are brothers. I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.”

Adopting a proposal mindset

Adopting a proposal mindset can be key to getting to yes more often, more collaboratively, and more efficiently. Not to mention with less time wasted. It is an intentional way of thinking when presenting topics for discussion and decision-making, whether in your professional or personal life. Learn how and why.

Trends for nonprofit survival in 2022

After the two+ years of exceptional circumstances challenging nonprofits, deciding how to move forward can be overwhelming. JBL Strategies invited David C. Smith, CEO of United Way for Greater Austin, to share his perspective on trends for nonprofit survival in 2022, highlighting people, leadership and uniting as key.

Image credit: BBC World Service The Why Factor

An imposter’s confession

Hi, my name is Jane Baxter Lynn and I have (or suffer from) imposter syndrome. It is a real thing. Why do you care? Because many of you may be challenged by this feeling of not being enough, of guilt for being too much, or simply inadequacy, without understanding why.

Beyond Belt Tightening Part 2, Return to Mission & Values

Mission and values, when applied properly, become key ingredients for nonprofits’ attaining financial success, whether in an emergency like Covid-19 or not. Austin-based finance and operations consultant for nonprofits Sean Hale presents the second in his 3-part series on the habits that nonprofits can use to address financial challenges now.

Beyond Belt-Tightening Part 1, From Inertia to Action

Nonprofits seeking ways to overcome the financial impact of Covid-19 need to look beyond belt-tightening and begging for money to the money they already have. So says Sean Hale, Austin-based finance and operations consultant for nonprofits. In his 3-part series, Sean will share with us three habits that nonprofits can use to address financial challenges now.